Published in Bulgaria - Social interactions and entertainment - 31 Mar 2024 09:26 - 47

Hello eDominacy community and potentially Admin
First I want to declare a GIVEAWAY to promote my newspaper.
Comment with your Sub + vote number comment on the article will guarantee you a 35 Q5 bread gift
If your comment is actually meaningful too (opinion on the article, critique, good joke etc), you will also get some 20 Q5 tankos, just like the one from Mongolo Tatar Brigade profile
First I want to declare a GIVEAWAY to promote my newspaper.
Comment with your Sub + vote number comment on the article will guarantee you a 35 Q5 bread gift
If your comment is actually meaningful too (opinion on the article, critique, good joke etc), you will also get some 20 Q5 tankos, just like the one from Mongolo Tatar Brigade profile

Now, to my ideas
1. Add mass donation button to Your Employee's page
Especially in the start of the game, it is common for people to go work for someone for lower salary and to be paid in products like food, weapons etc.
Add a button for a mass donation of items to Your Employee page can be very useful for players and communities , especially now, but also in future
In my opinion, same mechanic as the Military Unit one will be best, where you can put mark as a filter on the players you are donating to - so if some of employee missed to work, you can remove from the mass-sending.
2. Make secondary training be paid with Gold instead of currencies (at least temporary)
Idea is clear, instead of 5/10/15/20 cc make it 0.20 gold, 0.40 gold, 0.75 gold and 1 gold.
Currency now is hard to get, especially with currencies rate being 1g = 20 cc
Gold is far more accessible.
This will begin removing gold and limit the necessity of over-protecting currencies.
Over-protection of currencies and making players keep them leads to market problems, as market for goods operates only with currencies.
With the relative low gold price for initial levels, players will start spending those 50 gold from lvl 25 mission on at least first two levels (20 gold for them) and will lead to 10cc per day need just for that. Add Work tax and market will get stagnated quick, because currencies will become too valuable for market operations.
3. Add designated trade-channel in the mass feed of the game.
Idea is clear - remove trade spam from general feed.
If it depends on me, I will actually removed Friends channel and replace it with Trade one, Friends channel is impractical because each player has huge variety of friends and many of those friends actually are a result of the 10 friends mission in which most of people mass-spam friends invitations.
4. Add Storage reward into some mission.
With the high amount of Food production and need, starting storage becomes insufficient quick.
In the start, for each player spending in Storage is weird and not productive, especially for storing food.
Raws amount always add on it.
For example, add Mission like
Mission XX: Master of Production
Produce XXXX goods in total to receive your reward
Reward: 3000 storage and 15 exp.
Such missions can be raised too, and them XXXXX goods to be double for some more 3000 storage and 15 exp. and etc
5. Add Society Builder mission third-level
In the start of the game, it is crucial to bring players.
We have missions for 2, 5 referals.
Make a mission for 10 referals, so people can continue invitation streak.
The first two missions had serious rewards, so third one there is no need to be massive in gold or bars, but can provide a special Honor medal.
Like for example, 1 Honor medal with 5 gold award named "Society Leader" in profile, which is just special in it's own.
6. Increase currency issue rate.
Current rate is 1 gold for 20 currencies, I believe market will be better if currency is higher, more like 1 gold for 40 cc or even 1 gold for 50cc.
This is both for Job and Goods market.
7. Make region attack prize to increase for every region above the core's
Idea is to limit over-expansion of countries and quick wipe of undeveloped such.
For example, Mongolia has 3 cores.
Attack on new region is 10 gold.
Mongolia conquers, next region attack increase to 13 gold.
Mongolia rules half Asia and has 3 cores and 10 none cores - next region attack is 10 base + 30 gold.
This have a problem that countries with 50 cores gain massive advantage, but they do have advantage with their 50 cores anyways :/
8. Make capital attack double prize.
Idea is clear again, make country deletion as costly as possible.
No matter the stack, attack on capital to cost double.
This makes capital far more strategical.

Thank you all for attention guys, and please do have fun!

AdminAdminAdminAdminComments (47)

First, good ideas, and good job. And i love your and my Avatar 👍🫡

Old sub v3

Battle Order button on wars page pls


If it was up to me, i would standardize the number of regions for each country.
s47 v9

All good suggestions. Maybe for number 2 , if training with gold is implemented, they can set it up as a option, meaning that we will have two options, pay either with Gold or currency

12, 49.

15, 50

With number 5 i don't really agree because i want to clear my missions at some time and that will be very hard.. everything else sounds good
13 o7

storage reward is the most elitist thing ive read so far in this game, it shows how ahead the beta testers are, worrying about overfilling their storage 

Support! 51/17





56 sub.
5 is good. Anything that makes people go out there and spread the word about a game is nice, as long as people dont abuse it. They could make an event out of this.

58sub 43 vote

59sub 45 vote o7

sub 61 vote 46

S63 V48 o7
Add some information about this game like wikipedia would be very helpful

S67 v50

Make filter to find 100% bonus countries
Make filter to find specific resources instead of looking for them on map


69sub, nothing of it will be implemented, 'coz it needs to be programmed in game, and programmer(s) here are lazy

... we have nor learned anything... have we?


S71 v 55

S72 v56
Mongol or Bulgaria?

S 73 V 57 

S74 V58. currency exchange rates are not the problem. the problem is the production of the currency itself. we should be able to produce currency, not just exchange gold for currency. it will make heavy dependency on gold and then the game will be p2w

V59 old sub


V61 s75

sub 76 and vote 62 o7

s77 v63

s80 v64

Its unbelievable when so many games at those years are already been played i still dont know how the admins cannot find the problems to avoid them on the next versions of their games and it start like the same problematic start all thr time. I like this game and im going to play i just wondering how this happening all the time.

S81 V65

S84 v70

S85 V71

S87 V73

iam new here, so i just follow the tutorial first.
hope can play long time here

I disagree with point 7
in the long run, countries with more regions will simply suffocate those with few
but the idea of all countries starting with the same number of regions is ok


Sub92 V+

